
Buddha Ranata Chilli Powder


Weight -200 Gram Pack

Enjoy the health benefits of chilli powder while using it responsibly!

Note: Chilli powder is spicy, so use caution when consuming. Avoid touching eyes or sensitive areas after handling. Consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns.

Chilli Powder offers numerous health benefits, including:

1. Pain relief: Contains capsaicin, which reduces pain and inflammation.
2. Anti-inflammatory effects: Reduces swelling and pain in the body.
3. Antioxidant-rich: Protects against cell damage and oxidative stress.
4. Immune system support: Rich in vitamin C and other immune-boosting compounds.
5. Digestive aid: Stimulates digestion and relieves bloating and gas.
6. Anti-cancer properties: Contains antioxidants and anti-cancer compounds.
7. Supports heart health: Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure.
8. Anti-anxiety properties: May reduce stress and anxiety.
9. May reduce congestion: Thinns mucus and eases congestion.
10. Supports healthy gut bacteria: Prebiotic fiber promotes beneficial gut flora.

When consuming chilli powder, remember:

– Start with small amounts (1/4 teaspoon) and adjust to taste.
– Mix with food or water to avoid stomach upset.
– Use in cooking to add flavor and nutrition.
– Store properly to maintain nutrient content.

Enjoy the health benefits of chilli powder while using it responsibly!

Note: Chilli powder is spicy, so use caution when consuming. Avoid touching eyes or sensitive areas after handling. Consult a healthcare professional if you have concerns.


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